“Ecologically focused” pesticides?
As noted in some earlier posts – the bigger the CAP direct payments the more money is spent on pesticides (Lotman ja Kasak. Euroopa Liidu ühine põllumajanduspoliitika – kas ka päriselt roheline? Akadeemia nr. 3 – 2017, figure 9). Some would say: so what? The “modern” pesticides are presented by the industry as totally harmless to non-target organisms and necessary to avoid hunger. I must admit that my life experience does not include meeting lots of hungry organic farmers or indeed any data about food shortages caused by increase of the organic production – but let us rather look at the stated harmlessness of today’s pesticides. The approval process is dominated by industry’s own studies and it is not rare that a substance approved for use is later discovered to be a mutagen or a carcinogen. Take the most used herbicide world-wide: glyphosate residues of which are nowadays in food, beer or human blood. This seems unbelievable: a substance killing everything green should...